Heath Ledger – a life in pictures: exhibition at the National Film and Sound Archive


I’ve always thought Heath Ledger was an extremely talented actor, who tragically died accidently when he was way too young.

So of course I had to go and see the Heath Ledger: a life in pictures exhibition at the National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra. Curated with the assistance of his family, it’s a real insight into this young man, and the way he thought and worked, and how dedicated he was to his craft as an actor, as well as a photographer and film maker.

There’s  film clips, a selection of his photography collection, personal items, diaries and research journals, film costumes and props, and more. So much to see and read that I have to go back for a second viewing to take some more in.

There’s a few other events associated with the exhibition as well, including a free floor every Friday at 1pm, and a season of special screenings of some of his films with talks for a cost of $10.

There’s also free daily screenings of the 90 minute documentary I am Heath Ledger which provides a really intimate look at this great Aussie actor and how devoted he was to his work.

There was no photography allowed so no pictures to share.

The exhibition is on for ages, until 10 February, so you’ve heaps of time to go and see it. And it’s free, so even better.

What a sad loss.